Sessions Monday - Friday; 10:00-6:00, some Saturdays, Tele-Health within Florida is another option
The Florida Center for Healthy Sexuality values our clients' sense of safety and make it a priority to be inclusive, including the full span of human sexuality and gender identity, those in same-sex relationships and people in nonmomogamous relationships. While explaining and educating our client base that studies consistently demonstrate that sexual dysfunction in one partner often contributes to problems in sexual satisfaction with their partner. Thus, utilizing a couple's approach to sexual therapy clients, including the Gottman Method Couple's Therapy Model.
Treatment approaches may include funwork assignments to help clients learn new skills. Our approach includes resolving uncomfortable feelings that may have carried over from one's childhood and family of origin, a psycho dynamic therapeutic model. Mindfulness-based interventions have become popular for they are both effective and broadly applicable to many sexual problems.
Our hope is that the days of sex being a taboo subject are coming to an end and the people who seek help are met with an open, non-judgmental professional in a safe and caring environment.
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